- Working within the Private Security Industry
This unit covers the areas of understanding and knowledge that are common across the security industry. Firstly, learners will be taught about the context in which the private security industry operates and opportunities within it. They will also learn about the key legislation that applies across the industry and about how to keep themselves and others safes in the workplace, both in routine and emergency situations. Finally, they will learn about those aspects of communication skill and customer care that will be key to their future roles.
- Working as a Door Supervisor
This unit covers the understanding and role of a door supervisor. It provides the necessary skills and knowledge to apply for a SIA license and work as a door supervisor within the private security industry.
- Conflict Management
This unit covers how to avoid and manage conflict situations across the security industry. It is better if the potential conflict can be avoided altogether, so learners will be taught about ways of doing this. They will also learn about how to manage conflict that does arise, particularly ways of assessing the risk to themselves and about how to behave in a way that will defuse the situation. Once a situation has been defused, the next stage is about solving problems and learners will be taught about strategies that they can use to do this. They will also learn about post-incident considerations, such as sources of support and why it is important to share good practice.
- Physical Intervention
This unit covers the different techniques used during a Physical Intervention. Helps the learners understand how to reduce the risk of harm when physical intervention skills are used. This training provides learners, working in higher risk environments, with additional skills and knowledge to restrict and control the movement of an individual when necessary, to protect them from harm and to stop them harming others.